Went sea-watching on a cold, wet, windy, summers day.
Here is a list of what we saw over the sea...
Red-throated Diver - two summer plumaged birds (possibly same one) close offshore.
Gannet - many.
Cormorant - many.
Oystercatcher - many.
Grey Plover - one west.
Knot x c.18.
Bar-tailed Godwit x 12.
Curlew/Whimbrel x 2.
Redshank x 12.
Greenshank x 4 west.
Turnstone - many.
Arctic Skua x 8 (5 dark, 3 pale), including one pale bird swimming close offshore.
Pomarine Skua x 2 (dark), one close in west, the other east.
Kittiwake - west.
Black-headed Gull - many.
Common Gull x 2.
Lesser Black-backed Gull - many.
Herring Gull - many.
Greater Black-backed Gull - many.
Common Tern - many.
Sandwich Tern - many.
Gull-billed Tern? - a possible flew west at c. 5pm!
Guillemot - 35 (plus several unidentified Auks.)
Swift x 2.
Swallow x 8.
Pied Wagtail x 2.
Common Seal