Me and my dad went to Savernake forest to go bating were I got to see bats up close and even hold them. First in the day we got bats out there bat boxes and later at night we put up mist nets around the entrance to a disused railway. Throughout the day I saw some
Common Pipistrelles, some
Brown Long-eared Bats, a
Noctule Bat, some
Natterer’s Bats and a
Daubenton’s Bat. I drew a picture of a Daubenton’s Bat and a Natterer’s Bat. The Daubenton’s bat was a little smaller and lighter brown, and had a bit of a cuter and rounder face than the Natterer’s Bats. I did a pencil sketch of the two bats.
Wow what an exciting day. Lucky boy! I miss the Autumn!
This is a fantastic summary of our day Tom and the photos are excellent. Well done indeed. Thanks for your company. Steve Laurence
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